Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas 2005

Merry Christmas everybody. I was thinking about my daughter, the scientist and how at one point she attended church alone. (Yeah - I was lacking as a parent - or I was backsliding - I'm a sinner - no doubt) She was just a kid and she didn't need anybody to encourage or go with her. She wanted to find out about God on her own. Now, she wants to study conceptual physics. Science, to me, is just man trying to figure things out. Every scientist must come to the wall and that wall is either 1. something came from nothing or 2. something has existed forever. In my own foolish simplicity even I understand this truth. The answer? God. And not an infathomable careless God but a sweet father God. Boy, am I ever glad that this is the way of the world - the Way.

Christmas celebrates the real unfathomable - a love so big that it transforms. Transforms the world, transforms history, transforms lives. A God Who loves so much. Like an artist creating dolls, loving each one uniquely, an artist so skilled that He can give life to them. Lord, thank You for fashioning me with Your perfect artist hands and thanks for all the companions, too! The time is ripening when we'll all be gathered. I want to feel those big arms around me! Perfect Father, thanks for Christmas! You loved us so much that You started the whole thing. Every sunrise - Your Christmas gift to me! Every emotion - Your reminder that You gave me life! Every good and perfect gift is from You. And now! Now! 2006 to bring Your promise - Your miracle and Your reward to me! He gives beauty for ashes! Yes, Lord! Coolness!

Love, Ki

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

My Birthday Gift - Thanks Cuz!

Foot in Mouth Disease

OK. It’s the end of another day. I spent it just trying to get through, dealing with my fellow man and the world at large. Now I’ve got a moment to contemplate all the things I said today. I’ve done stupid things today and worse, said ridiculous things. What was I thinking? Whatever made me believe I was being clever? Polite smiles, small choked laughs of amusement. Are these people really agreeing with my inane blathering? Why didn’t I just stop talking? I don’t really have anything to say. Am I trying to fill all the silence because I’m trying to drown out thoughts? Why do I only now recall that even a fool is thought to be wise if he says nothing to prove the contrary?

Still I know You forgive me my faults, Lord even though I can’t fathom how I can stand myself one more minute knowing I have such a silly tongue, such a silly brain – You have a solution. You are the solution. You are sublime. When I think of you, Lord I think my best thoughts. What a mind stretch to try to think of the unbounded expanses of Your love and goodness! Please help me tomorrow, Lord since it’s too late for today. Please let me keep my thoughts and my river of silly words running in Your direction. If I can keep my thoughts on You then maybe my words would follow. Let me speak about You and there wouldn’t be foolishness in my speech. Your mercies are new every morning. How I count on that, good Father.

Give me pure and relevant words, Lord and give those I speak to poor memories for foolish chatter.


Love, Ki

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Love Defines Us

6 Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.

7 Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away.

Song of Solomon 8:6-7

From this almost safe distance I can begin to see the shapes and shadows of what I lived through. And here I am trying to get through each new day. Most days are filled (blessedly) with many things to do, many people to speak to and interact with. But once in a while, in contemplative moments, I recall how I felt. I remember the beautiful emotion of love, the fulfillment of having someone at my side. The trust, the pouring forth of my deepest thoughts and dreams. What of those feelings? What of those years? Now that it is over, what place do I give to them? They were real and like a lost child, they cannot be forgotten because they were a part of me and sometimes, I think, the best part. My love was good, very good. Two lives were born of it. And my own life – I became myself through the strength and experience of the love I gave. It must be then that giving equals growing.

Now I know for instance that few things in life are guaranteed. Maybe not everyone gets the opportunity to love so strongly that they are changed. Maybe we all do. Maybe it is a decision that each of us must make regardless of whether or not the object of our love returns our affections. One guarantee I can give you is – if you allow yourself to open your heart to another, you will be hurt. You will be disappointed. At some point you will cry if you are loving correctly. You will question whether it is worth the bare your heart to the knife of love. Open another box of tissue and keep crying, my friend. Love is worth the price. Love transforms you. The one you love may or may not come around, may or may not try to salve the wounds that they create but that is of little consequence ultimately. The love you give makes you bloom like the harsh wind and driving rain blooms the sweetest rose.

The love you gave honors your loved one whether or not they are deserving. The love you give or the love you gave should never be forgotten because it defines you. Because you have loved and been hurt makes you wiser but somehow softer. You are richer, more complex and majestic for having given it. Don’t forget the love you offered up regardless of whether or not it was abused or rejected. It was a product of your heart and is a part of your story. Remember it and treasure it because it came up out of you, your best effort, your sweetest gift. It is not the person you offered it to, it is the best part of you and was woven of hope and beauty. And know that is not the only work of art you are capable of.

Touch my heart, Lord and bring forth love. While they scourged and hurt You is when You said “Forgive them.” As I strive to follow You, this is an important work, to love those who don’t deserve love. And this does not mean to leave myself in harms way or continue to be hurt for no reason, but to extend forgiveness to understand that I can forgive myself as well. I need not look at the love I offer others as my own weakness or foolishness. It is love. It is the crown of all emotion. Let me wear it.


Thursday, December 08, 2005

Not only Forgiveness

Forgiveness is not the goal, not the end of my journey in this, my greatest life lesson. Thank you, Father for putting light onto my next step. I think I’ve got this right. There is much more. If a Christian’s purpose is to reflect Christ then we must take our example from the books of His life. Jesus did not only say “Your sins are forgiven.” He went on to say, “And to prove that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sin…” and then He would heal them. They would see again, walk again, be clean again, be restored, renewed and run on their joyous way to tell the rest of the world what Jesus had done in their lives.

Why did I ever think that John’s words, “I must decrease and He must increase,” were spoken in sadness? Certainly, an imperfect being would be eager to step aside to let glory pass by. When every art I had could not help my husband, God in His infinite wisdom, took me out of the equation. I’m not foolish enough to believe that J will no longer remember the multitude of things I said and did to convince him that his way was incorrect. Despite all I have read, seen, heard, tried to discover about my husband’s ‘condition’, it returns as always to Jesus. And every tiny portion of this whole tangle must be nailed to the cross with Him or it isn’t going anywhere. I could start now and write a list of questions that would occupy many for many months. Decrease the "me" in me, Lord and increase the You.

As my daughter entered adolescence I told her. Darling, you are going through some changes. You’re going from a girl to a grown-up woman in the next few years. Try to remember that all of us around you are not changing. You are the one changing. So when it appears we have all become fools in your sight, trivial and not to be trusted or believed – please recall – we have not changed. You have. The same is true for our relationship with our perfect parent, the Lord. We go through our valleys, sometimes crying out to Him, sometimes trying to be tough and walk it alone. He’s always there to help even when we stubbornly try to go our own way. But can we say that we’re growing? Like an adolescent learning independence and responsibility, do we make progress toward a goal? A Christian’s goal is to “be perfect” or perfectly emulate Christ in our lives. Malachi 3:6 “ For I am the LORD, I change not;” God is the ultimate landmark, our True North. His children must go through a lot of changes on their journeys from selfish sinners to the selfless perfection of the Savior.

Forgiveness – not so long ago I thought this was some big deal of an accomplishment. Maybe something I could consider from the healing distance of a year of separation. Now, Lord, I know it is merely a beginning. How I marvel at the impossible expanse of Your beautiful love and acceptance. How did I live contented to keep You on the shelf? Oh, You are a jealous God – and how guilty I am of putting You low on my list in the past. Never be jealous again. Oh Father, because of Jesus I can cry out to You like any petted spoiled child. Father, be near to me because You love me inexplicably. Be near me because You are all there is in the world worth knowing. When I keep my eyes on You everything else becomes easy – just like You said it would. Forgiveness? If You say so, Father. Healing? If You will it, Father. Your will, Father because it’s Your world.


Friday, December 02, 2005

Second Childhood

OK – it’s almost Christmas. I’m supposed to be acting like a kid again. Except that I’m acting like the kid I used to be. Or to be specific, the kid I was before meeting the person who was to become my 2nd ex. I’m listening to The Bee Gees, (maybe I was Saved by the Bell!) and Jane Oliver – when she first came onto the scene. I’m watching Magoo’s Christmas Carol and Emmett Otter (yea!) And I couldn’t be enjoying myself more! As my anger, hurt and disappointment start to mellow (doesn’t everything with age?) I find I am going back in time and rediscovering more than a few of my favorite things. What I like to do, listen to, watch on the television, wear. I’m like the proverbial kid in the candy store. I know it’s not supposed to be about me – except that the Lord really is letting me realize just what a wonderful life (hey, it’s Christmas!) I truly have. How often do we find ourselves obsessing over what we don’t have, what we want, and what we’ve had taken away? Maybe we’re acclimated to that kind of thinking since we hear only bad news on the radio and tv.

Sidebar comment : You know, I’ll tell you about the news. No wonder cars and trucks cost so much! I bet they can be made for about $500 buck a piece except for the mark-up dealers do to pay for the damned commercials. Man, all I want is to see if a frigging tornado is bearing down on my head or if there’s some stretch of highway blocked off for morning rush to work, and I’ve got to watch like a dozen car ads! Morning news, evening news and the news at 11 – same thing. Cars and trucks. All kinds of shots choreographed with precision driving and retro rock to make me feel like everybody my age drives such and such a model. All that advertising, all those prime time bucks. Don’t they know that if I need a car then I’ll start looking around. Do people really watch the ads and say “Hey cool! Let’s go drop 30K because I saw your zippy SUV and heard a soundbyte of some defunct rock band”? Whew. OK. Glad that’s off my chest.

Instead, let’s do what they say in the corny hippie slogans – stop and smell the flowers. (I can say this – I once almost was a hippie or at least I loved that Youngbloods song). Maybe a lot of this life is to like, BE God’s kids. Let’s smell the breeze and look at that nest in the tree or watch that hill of industrious ants. Wanna color a picture? Let’s make stuff with clay. Cheez – can you take that SUV with you into the great beyond? If you leave all your dough to your kids, can they find a way to deposit it on account for use in the next world? Relax already! Think about what made you happy before you discovered you were a grown-up. I once read that one of the most relaxing things you can do is to listen to a cat purr. Check that. I’ve gotta flush this stress. Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty.

Peace, Man.


Thursday, December 01, 2005



1. having excellent moral character, possessing high ideals or excellent moral character

2. relating to high moral principles, based on high ideals or revealing excellent moral character

A big part of the AA tradition is to make a fearless self inventory. To identify those we have harmed as a result of our addictions and to make apology to them and where possible, restitution. So far I’m finding this spiritual growth thing slow going, like trying to build a house, brick by brick, did I mention I also have to make my own bricks like the Israelites in captivity? Yet, it is coming along, or rather, I am crawling along and seeming to become more awake and aware of how our lives are all entwined, like so many degrees of separation.

Evidence: I had begun a message to my ex-love, with Christmas wishes as a very plausible excuse. I had filled it with all the many reasons, oh so cleverly disguised, why he was a fool to have lost me. But for some (fateful) reason I had not printed it. But, but, but. I slept on it. I replayed it. What was I trying to do? Thinking deeper. Oh, Friend, it so easy, so convenient and so self-comforting to delude ourselves about our motivations. You hurt me. I hurt you. Isn’t that simple enough? That’s nothing less than the way of the world, the expected way. That is not the Christian way, “The Way” that I am coming to know. I have every reason to be bitter and lash out - according to the world’s view. But what do I look like when the Almighty looks at me? My Bible says that His ways are not our ways.

What do I truly believe? That I married a flawed person? That I loved in a flawed way? I can do nothing else. Only God can love each of us perfectly. The man I loved above all else, including my own health and self-esteem, succumbed to mental illness. In a way I feel I abandoned him, that he shouldn’t be left to try to fend for himself But, but, but. The world says he has the right to choose his own path, even if that path destroys him. I must leave it to God. Then could there be any excuse for trying to ease my own pain by rubbing salt into someone else’s wounds? How can that feeling have anything to do with love? This man doesn’t even know he is inflicting wounds on himself – or Lord, he does know and is helpless to stop. God be with people who are so tortured!

Oh my lost one - how I loved him even as he slipped through my hands! My pleading, my explanations came to mean nothing and then he stopped hearing me altogether. Then I stopped pleading and explaining. Lord, give me peace. The recollection of that beautiful face, that familiar embrace, that voice opens up an ache for everything that the world said I was promised after loving him, having children together, caring for him and bearing his deceptions for the decades that will now forever mark my life. The world lied! We are not promised even one more hour with the one we love. Heed this. It is a lesson learned at great cost.

Now, what does the splendor of my God suggest to me? That though my beloved has cut me so deeply, he, as Jesus said, doesn’t even know what he does. Do I know what I do? Do I dare to voice what else I’m thinking? That my co-dependence has prolonged his illness? Do I dare admit this to myself? That I tried to help and made it worse? Doesn’t love cure everything? Or is that what the world says - again? I want to shut this all off and watch some other show. This one makes me feel uncomfortable.

But watch it I will, my Lord I told You that I wanted only Your will for my life. In that, at least, I did not lie though it seems the path has been littered with lies of every description – the worlds, the fairy tales, my partners, my own. I have a choice to look in the mirror and truly see who is there. I can choose to stay my own hand and not strike out. The only choice I ever have is the choice of what I will do. What must I do then, Lord? And then the still, small voice - You come immediately to my mind, to my ear. Praise You! Yes, Lord. I will praise You and thank You. Thank You for letting me experience such a love in my lifetime - imperfect as it was, as I am. It was a construction as beautiful as a perfect rose, and as fragile. Thank You for the wonder of parenthood and my beautiful children. Thank You, Dearest Father for bringing me to a point where I can recognize my shallow motivations. Let me strive toward that light however much it shows of my own sin. Let me become what You have in mind. Let me choose instead to act nobly.


Friday, November 25, 2005

Small Essay #1 on Jesus

Black Swan at Waterside - just one example of the loveliness of God's provision for me. This was taken in my 'backyard' one sunny morning on a walk around the lake. A white swan lives on the lake as well but wasn't there this particular day. The white and black are quite fond of each other and are often seen in company together. If only people were as wise!

The Italian Gardens at Maymont. This is only one shot of many I made on an outing this summer. This beautiful Richmond park was the setting for many of the scenes in the movie, "Sally Hemmings."

Small Essay 1 on Jesus-

The world has seen many great minds come and shine in their respective fields of endeavor. I am even aware of modern day psychologists who have tried to attribute IQ scores to some of the great inventors and thinkers who lived before such tests to measure intelligence were fashioned. I have not seen any one of these projected scores for Jesus.

History does not doubt the existence of a 1st century poor man's philosopher-teacher known as Jesus of Nazareth. This man was significant through his application of the ideas of peace and brotherly love. Though he was born to a poor family in an occupied country under the often violent rule of Rome, he became one of the most influential figures that ever lived. The Western world even measures time according to this one man's birth and death. His life and wisdom is recorded in several accounts which appear in the best selling book of all time, the Bible. Jesus' genius was apparent in his political or rather non-political development of a practical philosophy of world peace. In more modern times, Jesus' philosophy was the basis for the ideology of individuals such as Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr. Jesus, himself was his own best example of the philosophy in action when he went peaceably to his death by crucifixion at the hands of Romans who were influenced in convicting him by local religious officials who opposed Jesus' ideaology.

What kind of man is willing to die for an idea of peace? We might too quickly answer 'everyone who has died in a war' but that wouldn't be correct. Wars are fought for many reasons, often politically motivated but also for territory, defense, greed, gain or simply hatred. Jesus is remembered not just for his idea of peace or his death but the quotes attributed to him in the New Testament are profound, betraying a nearly unfathomable wisdom in the simplest language. His intellect is revealed as highly improbable for an uneducated laborer, (he was trained as a carpenter). Improbable also is the far-reaching vision of his plan - a plan to change the heart and mind of each individual so that the physical reality of oppression, want, hunger, anger, or any undesirable circumstance is experienced through the substitution of altruistic, higher thinking and behavior.

For this philosophy alone, Jesus may have been given a place in history. However, he was known not only as Jesus of Nazareth but Jesus Christ, or Jesus the Christ. Christ meaning Messiah, translated, the expected king and deliverer of the Jews. The Jews before Saul, had no king but the Lord God and according to sacred scriptures, they were given a king almost as a punishment for requesting one. God, of course, is the perfect king and any mere man would reign imperfectly in comparison. Scriptures record miraculous events surrounding Jesus' life, healings, prophesies and visions witnessed by large numbers of people. Jesus as Messiah moved from the realm of teacher/philospher to leader of a new religion. Those who followed his philosopy and also accepted him as an extension of God became known as Christians and faced and continue to face terrible persecutions.

Jesus as God and propitiation for sin will be the subject of another small essay.

Thanks for being here with me tonight, Friend.

Blessings to all,


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Chinese Proverb

It was designed and stitched, sold and photographed and appeared in a magazine. Afterwards I framed it and hung it in the front hall of my house. I saw it every time I went out and then again, every time I came back in. It was done in cotton floss and metallic threads on a coffee colored linen, lovely really. I must have put it there because it was so pleasant to look at. Did I never really listen in my heart to what the stitched words said? "If I keep a green bough in my heart, the singing bird will come." My tree has been so shrivelled and dry, so blasted by the cold reality of disappointment and betrayal. For a long season there has been no green. It has not been life really but adjustment. Could it be that now a spring approaches? These words have taken on meaning now because I can see that optimism is an exercise in faith. There is faith in sending a small bud of hope into the pale light of day. Faith is everything. Faith is believing that Christmas will come, and that there will be a Spring after the winter. And even, a singing bird.

Something new to be thankful for. God bless you all.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Baby Steps

Thank you, Lord. You have let me glimpse a light at the end of this tunnel of anger and pain. Thanks for taking the time to teach me, for loving me, for all of it, Father. No matter how giving or well-meaning I am, people really are going to use me and hurt me and let me down. Just as they did to You. And somehow, over the last few weeks I am beginning to believe I am capable of forgiveness. Not through anything that I can do. I'm just a bottom feeder grousing around in my puddle of self-pity and complaints, But with You at the wheel, unbelievable as it may seem, I think I can make this journey. Is this what real faith is, Jesus? Like the Christians walking out into the Coliseum. Were they dragged kicking and screaming or did they walk, heads up, maybe slowly but with the knowledge that You were with them? Am I really big enough to forgive? Shine through me, Lord because I'm only a fool. In wide-eyed wonder just floored that I can still learn a little something this late in the game. How patient You've been with me. And how true it is - that there can never be peace in the world if we can't get over the ones who hurt us personally, if we can't clear our own slates of all the petty human emotions that force us down, force us to keep scores. Isn't the earth full enough of people who want to get even for getting hurt? Isn't there enough blame and name-calling?

You are so beautiful. If only I could be like You just a little! What a light would be shone on every dark corner of my life! Lord, let me do the right thing, even if it's just in baby steps. Following you is not something I jumped into and You know too well. I came along hesitating, two steps forward, one step back. But ever let me come to You, however slow, however I fumble and trip. If I can put my head out of my shell just a little and even think about forgiveness for someone who continues to do wrong as the world measures it, then I am making progress aren't I?

Love to all,


Sunday, November 13, 2005


It's not too early to shop, wrap, pack for the blessed Christmas holiday. Not for me. And if you knew me you'd know I'm a recycler extraordinaire. So going through my great stash of Christmas wrap and bags I found an especially large and beautiful bag. I didn't remember buying it, as years run together lately in my memory. I checked the little gift card that was hanging from the handle and Yep, sure was a recycled bag (one that looked unused and was rescued from going out with the Christmas trash to serve again one day). The card said "Poppy", written in my very own script. Poppy was one of my affectionate nicknames for the someone I recently divorced. Let's see, there was also "Jumjie, Joebjie, Gummy." Hahahaha. All past tense. But the bag was truly beautiful, well worth keeping. I ripped the little card off and into several pieces. I'll recycle it - as I had intended to that unremembered number of years ago. And I'll unremember the lost pet names.

I did want to comment on the last post though. I thought about it, thought about just removing it but what it this thing anyway? A diary for the world to see? Our world is so small now. It's so close to the end - the way I read my Revelation. It is going to stay because I wrote it. It's the way I felt and I am only a fallible human trying to be more. This page is about my work toward a recovery. It takes time. There are emotions and rough spots. But it's going well. If I can help someone else work through the jumble of feelings when a long, long term relationship dies then good for me. If I can help someone else see that striving toward spiritual growth is just that - striving. I am not a puppet. So let's recycle by all means. But what's meant to be discarded, discard. What's meant to be saved, even treasured - well then, I'll save and treasure.

Peace to You,


Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Lilies

Former Hopeless Romantic Stomps into the Sunset Under a Full Head of Steam
OK. Self-improvement under the gentle hand of the world's greatest teacher is confessedly the only way to attempt to mature. (Confessedly? Is that a word?). Anger. Anger. Anger. It's like a volcano, an elemental force with the same destructive power of the forces of nature. Except heartless, careless former "loves" are never affected. And admittedly that might be a simplification but there's no doubt in my mind that it hurts me and those around me more than it hurts those who actually should be punished.

Example? The father of my daughter has simply stopped paying his court ordered support. Gee, I wish I could just stop paying those bothersome bills that find their way into my mailbox every month. This is the same 'man' who wanted to fight for custody! Really? Maybe some cosmic dimension would have shifted if he had succeeded in getting custody and groceries would cost less there and kids wouldn't need school supplies or winter coats. I blessedly haven't seen him in 7 months but I can't imagine that he's grown less fat from going without food himself - or gotten leaner because he has to bicycle rather than pay for his van. But then there are priorities. And there is much wisdom in the phrase "Talk is cheap." A person can say anything they want to, lie to their kids, lie to others, lie to themselves.

Where does this leave us tonight? I can hear my caring (and clucking) sisters tell me I must move on. And truly I must. This entry is an example of the insidious nature of sin exhibiting itself in the fallen condition of humankind. In June of 2004 when I was in the midst of the actual fire fight, at a prayer disciples meeting I made up a list of the things I desperately needed God to provide for me if I was to actually step out on faith and leave the pathetic and hideous being that my husband had become. (Is truth not cruel in some realities?). When I revisited that list a year later each and every one of those prayers had been answered so completely as to remove any doubt about the ultimate outcome of my condition, physically, emotionally, responsibly and financially. I am able because the God I serve is able. OK again. I have seen His gracious provision. Yet I am still angry. Why? Because I have spiritual growth ahead of me as well as a little behind me.

Will I ever truly be able to turn the other cheek? If my goal is to imitate Christ how very long will that uphill road be! Even as I know He pulled me from quicksand that I had jumped into freely of my own will I can scarcely keep myself from revisiting the scenes of my former slavery! What I want to do - that I do not do. And what I do not want to do - that I do! It's as old as the gospel. As current as my heart beating faster in anger.

Will God provide groceries for my child? A winter coat? Of course, He will. Of course. He will. He is a perfect, loving father. Not like the tens of thousands of broken fathers, any one of whose stories I might have been telling here - not just the one who abandoned me and my family to pursue happiness in drugs and delusion. And in my striving with my own nature I pray Father, for that closer walk. I no longer pray with the desperate fervor that I once did for him. There is so much need in this world - like the hands that reach out at the Christmas season. It seems that for each loaf there are a million hungry mouths and for each fish 2 million! Only a God can fulfill the need. Fulfill the need in me, Lord. Drown the angry spirit with Your love. Overcome the darkness in my spirit with Your light. Like Easter, at Christmastime, bring me back to life. So let it be, my Savior.


Sunday, November 06, 2005


Who can believe it? Who can not believe it? I will end. I will turn to dust and be gone. As if it never happened. I will be oblivious to everything - light, sound, feelings. Bruised heart will refuse to beat again and everything will fade to black. Even marble tombstones will weather and no one will be able to read what may have long ago been chiseled there.

Or - something else? Say what you want to but my beloved brothers Gibb say it so well in their lyrics - "We don't say goodbye."

"So this is who I am,
and this is all I know.
And I must choose to live,
for all that I can give,
the spark that makes the power grow.

And I will stand for my dream if I can,
symbol of my faith in who I am,
but you are my only.

And I must follow on the road that lies ahead.
And I won't let my heart control my head.
But you are my only. "

B., M., & R. Gibb

You are my only one. Who is this "You" for me? I love my children as any devoted mother. I love my siblings. They've given me much of the joy in my life. I love my relatives, my dear aunts, uncles, cousins and Mother, who truly deserves every one of those silly "Best Mom in the World" shirts and mugs. Surely the "You" is not either of my errant former spouses. But why pretend? I do know. The You is the He - not only the One but actually the only One. The constant, caring, tender and truly present perfect Love of my life. Born in the Middle East through a mystical union of the Spirit of God and the flesh of men. And I, foolish yet sublime creation that I am , have been invited to a cosmic existence without end. Do I shout Thank You, Jesus!? Is that pentecostal paraphrase up to the task ? Absolutely not! But words will never do. The Bible says "My soul pants after Thee, like a deer panteth after the stream". That may be a little closer but how does the single puzzle piece find meaning outside of the puzzle? That is how I felt apart from You. If my eyes ever leave you, Lord tear them from me. If my feet ever stray from following you then let them burn. Oh yes, Lord. I can never understand this invitation. I've been spun into being like cotton candy on a paper stick. You knew me before I was born, wrapped my essence in blood and bone so that I might perform in this play of Yours.

There is movement behind the set, stage hands are moving props into place. You have set me in this time, this act, this scene. Will I perform well? I know You are staying to watch me and You'll be here for the end. Maybe I will, too. I will take my turn and retire. And when I put my head down - there You are! Lighting every dark corner, hovering near. Thank You for being my friend and companion. Sweet Savior thank You that it is not the way it seems to the blind and fickle world. Your reality is more sublime than any creation - light, color, music. And Robin Gibb's voice? Lord, thank You!

Blessings to all,


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

His Constant Care

When I find myself in times of trouble - it isn't Mother Mary, but her glorious Son who speaks into my gloom. So very much has changed in this past year and a half. I've found myself questioning many things. One thing that has been proved out to me is that God has plans for me and I am going to be happiest and most successful if I wait on Him. The best laid plans I've ever had for myself, the things I've worked at or run after in my own way haven't always turned out the way I'd expected. Some things have come back to bite me. In my foolish, self-ish thinking I imagined that pouring enough effort, time and energy into my marriage would make my ex-spouse a.) happy, b.) alright, c.) love me - you can choose one or fill in the blank. But my efforts can't change anyone who has made up their minds to do something - even if that something might not be in their own best interests.

I can't save anyone. I can't even save myself. Thank God that He sent someone to save me. Now, as a faded moon sets out of sight on one horizon of my world a new and beautiful sun rises on the other. It's called Home. I believe that a move is in my future. Even now I won't say that there was no reason for me to move South. The reason was something that the Lord alone knew. He is moving in my life and among my loved ones. Thanks will never be enough. Hope and dependence on Him alone will always be enough. He moves mountains and brings the dead to life again. Here I am and there I will go.

God bless all who visit here.

Peace to you,


Monday, August 08, 2005

Today equals Yesterday

Today, Aug. 8 was for many years, the anniversary of my wedding. I was aware of this all day. I felt agitated, resentful, wistful, anything but settled and serene. This evening I found myself alone and then I looked at my e-mail. Sure enough, my former spouse had sent an e-mail, frivolously marking the occasion. He’d sent some headlines of things that had happened on this date in history. I thought ‘What is he trying to say?” Does he just not know how to leave it be? If you kill something – have the decency to leave it buried. This trite reminder is disrespectful. But how much it is in keeping with the way he treated me at the end. Is this then how we treat the memory of something dear that has died? Then I thought that a marriage really doesn’t die. Nothing so final and formal. It fades like the colors of some old shirt. Like the joy does, like the hope does, fades like the respect and the love do. Like a plant, without watering – it shrivels and soon it’s just a dried husk of what it used to be. What hope is there for dead plants, and dreams?

And what would I have if I could have what my heart desires? God knows that I don’t even know. Do I have a heart? Desires? Tonight I want only to wrap myself in the black shroud of this aloneness, to feel it and let it chill me to the core so that some tomorrow I can emerge into the sunlight.

August 8th. It used to mean a day of promises and dreams. Today, August 8th is “Yesterday.” “Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play, now I need a place to hide away.” Well said, Paul. A day, or rather, a night to mourn. August 8 – may you fade and shrivel into something of a size that I can handle. Tonight, you are too much for me. Yet I know God’s mercies are new every morning. Lord, if You wake me, please give me new perspective on my yesterdays and if You are willing, my tomorrows. Good night.

Monday, August 01, 2005

The Beatles

"Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint" (Isaiah 40:30-31).

On youth – well I can only comment on my youth and really, I wouldn’t want to go back there. But I do remember that in the past, in the beautiful moments – so often they were defined through the popular music – which was oftentimes back then, Beatle’s music. Didn’t I, so many times, try to let lyrics define what was happening in my heart? I’d let them speak for me. And as so often in life, we are defined by our youth, not just what happened to us that shaped us but on the way things were – as though we must maintain some kind of loyalty to our own generation. And so, my recent experience with divorce is no exception to that Beatles soundtrack. But it was a downward defining backdrop. “We Can Work it Out” gave way to “You’re Going to Lose That Girl.” An observation, a plea for rectification becoming a warning. A ‘warning’ that went unheeded. “I’m Looking Through You,” became “Nowhere Man.” The love of my life became someone I couldn’t even recognize. And finally – someone I didn’t want to know.
Finally, my own heart hardened over and my anthem now is “Not A Second Time”, not because he has sought another chance, not at all. It is the theme song of mistrust. No one will break this heart again, no never. Because I won’t trust again.

There is a Beatles song that I will sing forever to a special someone. “In My Life,” a song so poignant and wise that it seems impossible that men as young as Lennon & McCartney were in ’65 should have written it. I sing it to my Lord. He is the only one to be trusted, the only one who loves in a perfect and timeless way. Youth? Maybe it was wasted on me. Didn’t I fret foolishly over appearances? Didn’t I flirt and think that the world was to be found in the approval and desire of others? Silly, saddened person that I was. Lord, let me sing to You alone and enjoy this period of healing that Your perfect love has provided. “The Long and Winding Road”?, Lord lead me on it as long as it leads to You.


Saturday, July 23, 2005

Allyn Street

OK - here's me and Lore at the front gate on Allyn Street. This was the day of cousin Dave's wedding. That's why we're all dressed up. I remember I made that dress. Now - honesty being a pretty good policy we must tell - this particular photo is about 20 years old and me and Lore definitely aren't (any more). But we sure are smiling, smiling, smiling!!! Well, anyway, I still can sew. And Lore can do a mean lasagna. All around - some pretty cool kids, right?

Out-of-Sorts or How Meeting a Christian Prince can Save Your Day

Yesterday I was out-of-sorts. Now this is some old fashioned phrase that describes how you feel when you’re head is on sideways. Or you just can’t describe the weird feeling that you might get mad, but there’s nothing to be mad about. You might be getting sick, or something is wrong but what the heck, you just can’t figure it out. This is the mood I was in until last night. Whew! Because last night I met a Prince.

A new friend from church treated me to a concert. Christian recording artist, Mark Schultz, performed to a packed house in central Virginia. Part of that packing was me, my friend Amy, and her (well-behaved and pleasant) niece and nephew. I have been to many types of concerts in my life, seen headline acts from several decades. But I’ve never heard a voice so clear and strong. Mark played a new video he’s made of a great song he wrote and performed which honors our troops. I’m sure I could have made a nice sum selling tissues to sop up the tears of that audience! Besides singing, playing piano and guitar and telling the stories behind some of his hits, Mark encouraged us to sing along on some well known hymns to praise our God.

After the performance, Amy’s nephew wanted to get Mark’s autograph. At my age, (and having my disposition) I tend more toward impatience at waiting in line than feeling awestruck toward celebrities. We waited (and waited – it really wasn’t too, too bad) and the boy got the autograph. Before I knew it though Amy was introducing me to Mark Schultz!. “This is my friend, Mona,” she said. I looked up and standing right there in front of me was a Christian Prince. Photos truly can’t capture charisma and normally witty me – I was speechless. “Mona,” he said and took my hand. He didn’t shake it, just held it. “Your hand is hot,” he observed not letting go. Gulp! 'It might have been that I’d just nearly flayed it apart clapping for your wonderful concert,' I thought later. But at that moment, I couldn’t think. Words escaped me and if you know me - that is absolutely impossible. I can’t keep quiet! “That’s because my heart is cold,” I finally managed jokingly. “Oh, that’s not true,” Mark said looking straight through me into my brain. The piercing clarity of those eyes! Somehow I ended up in the parking lot with my friends and a large smile across my silly face. No longer out-of-sorts.

Did I mention meeting a Christian Prince? Part of the out-of-sorts mood is my negative feelings about being divorced. Sometimes I get ‘husband obsessed’ and anxious about being lonely. It’s certainly not the way I want to be. I’ve gone to the Lord about it many times in prayer. Anyway, when we first arrived at the concert, Amy couldn’t decide where to sit. I had no opinion in the matter, so when she finally chose a row toward the right of center stage that was fine with me. Already sitting at the end of that row was a large man with a moustache and clean-shaven head wearing a Hawaiian shirt. He was from Williamsburg. He was alone. Throughout the evening he sang and he bowed in head in prayer, smiled, and even spoke briefly to me. I enjoyed a brief fantasy that we had come to the concert together, that his large, strong arm was around the back of my seat. I didn’t see him leave, never learned his name but the point that the Lord made to me was very clear. The world is not only full of His glory but it is also filled with a good many Christian sons to put across the paths of His Christian daughters

Lord, how wonderful You are! Again I am made to know that there are no coincidences in Your dealings with us. I am going to trust You, Father. I am going to calm this heart and wait on You. You are my perfect Father, looking out for me. Loving me even when I’m out-of-sorts. Father, I can’t think of anything on earth more admirable, more wonderful than a man who uses his voice, his talent, his breath and his life to praise You and do Your will. Men who in their walk are becoming You through the work of Your Holy Spirit. No wonder their eyes are beautiful! No wonder they can see into my soul! It’s You in them.

Love to all,


Friday, July 22, 2005

Aristotle is a personality that happens also to be a bear constructed by my sister, Carol. He was sent to me as a consolation prize. Sorry you've lost your spouse but here is a bear. Of course, I was well pleased to receive someone to love and hug (however small and furry). He is the quiet type, seems to hang out a lot at home though I can't be sure what he does when I'm at work or elsewhere. He never seems to make a mess. If he does he must pick up after himself as I don't ever notice anything out of place. Never tries to take the remote. All in all the perfect roommate and gentle..., um, bear.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Wanna come for a walk?

Sometimes I think I’m so clever. And if someone really needs some advice I try to rise to the occasion. But mostly I’m just a lonely traveler, like you maybe. Living in my head a lot. Trying not to do that quite so much lately though. People are the thing. God loves people. I think I maybe noted this here before. He’s not willing to lose even one. And Christian, we must love people, too. It’s the great commandment. And oh, about the Love thing. Pastor Jay spoke today on Galatians. Powerful. “The entire law is summed up in a single command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ ” Gal 5:14 Maybe this is why He’s working on me. Love is actually the answer. It’s not just a pop song line. Ever notice the similarities? Life. Love. Lord. Word. How beautiful the way it is all interwoven!.

1If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don't love, I'm nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate.
2If I speak God's Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, "Jump," and it jumps, but I don't love, I'm nothing.
3If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don't love, I've gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without love. 1 Corinthians 13 (The Message)

Love is the hub of the wheel the world turns on. It is too simple and too marvelous to contemplate. Thank you, Lord for bending down so low to teach a hard-headed fool like me. Lord, teach me how to love. I know I can never do it the way You did. But it’s my business now to try to learn Your holy ways. Now that You have stripped away the extraneous things of my so-called secure world. My marriage, my home, security? It is all nothing. And You, You are everything. You are perfection. Your beauty is incomprehensible. Don’t let me go alone, Jesus. Send Your saints to walk beside me.

Thank you for Pastor Jay. Love your neighbor as yourself. He said that your neighbor is anyone who is around you. Not merely the ones who live next door, who sit in the next seat in church but anyone who is in my vicinity. Am I in the grocery store? Clerks and customers – my neighbors. Am I at work? My co-workers – my neighbors. Am I on the freeway – neighbors. Why is this suddenly so easy to understand? Maybe I’m finally ready to learn. Maybe some distractions are gone. Maybe I had to get to this point of concentration. Whatever brought me here, God bless it.

How typical! One night I’m whining. The next I’m praising. Maybe I’m learning something. Thank You, Jesus for not giving up on me.

Astounding Love to all,


"God gives, God takes. God's Name be ever blessed!" Job 1:21

Ben's new do Posted by Picasa

Mr. Maximus Pawsize. Assistant to Ms. Adkins. (though not considered reliable at taking messages.)

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Living in the Light or the view from my porch.

Random Complaint Night

Divorce support group. I just joined one online. According to their blurb, they have thousands of members. There sure are a lot of hurting people out there. Why is there so much divorce I wonder? It doesn’t make sense. Don’t we all want the same things? Love and stability? Companionship? Loyalty, a family, somebody who’s ‘got your back’? Somebody to shop for on holidays, cook for, to worry about? A set of eyes to look into and a shoulder to cry on? A hand to hold? What gives, Lord? What did I do wrong where others succeeded? When I see a cute little old couple - I turn away. When I think of my grandparents, remembering their sweet ways with each other, I feel as if all the wind has been knocked from my lungs. Where’s the promise, Lord?

I met someone who filled my vision. A smile and the edges of the world blurred. There was no other human more profound, more glorious, more destined for greatness in our century. Certainly, no one had ever been in love like I was. I forgot for a season that I was fatherless and poor. We were young. We ran away. We needed nothing but each other. I remember joyfully experiencing things as I never had before, colors, tastes, sounds. I recall being giddy with pleasure in the anticipation of our impoverished supper of rice and eggplant. The impossible beating of my heart as the time drew near for work to end so that we could be together. How many years did I carelessly think that love was mine or was guaranteed?

The proverbial rug surely was pulled out from under me. I’m sitting now, still shaking my head and struggling to my knees. Will I rise, Lord? Will my heart ever walk again? In the meantime – this aloneness is so bleak. It feels as if everyone everywhere knows I have failed. I loved too hard, too desperately. I found out later they call it codependency. My love could do no wrong. I wouldn’t see it. But surely there was something wrong. Now, on my knees, Lord, I contemplate my betrayal. On my knees, Lord. I guess that I am correctly situated now. Waiting on Your words. ‘Get up, take your mat and walk' Mark 2:9 No explanations necessary, Lord. Just stitch me up.

The healing’s going pretty slow. Maybe I’ll check out that on-line support group. Thousands according to the blurb. I’m not alone then. Kinda like the sound of that.

Good Night All,


Saturday, July 09, 2005

Mustard Seed

Wrote this in May. Finished it tonight with a little help from Rich Mullins. And if I may quote just one bit "There's bound to come some trouble to your life. Reach out to Jesus. Hold on tight." Feeling better knowing I'm not really alone. And if I'm not alone, then brothers and sisters, neither are you. You're not alone.

Mustard seed,
as insignificant as me
kept along the path
weak, alone

Mustard seed
blown on the wind
dropped from the sky
a tiny speck of

Father, help it grow.
Take my seed
of Faith
and make this mountain
of heartbreak
throw itself into the sea.

Mustard seed
a mighty tree to be
because He sacrificed Himself
for weak, heartbroken but

Hold us and bless us all tonight, Father. We sure need you these days.

Love to all,


Friday, July 01, 2005

Cartoon Comes True

My recovery is going to be a long process. God will see me through and I know that for certain. In fact, I got a glimpse on Wednesday night. Living down South is a little different from Massachusetts where I was raised. Down here, Sunday service isn't enough. There's Bible study on Wednesday night, prayer meeting on Friday, men's and women's groups meeting on one of the other days of the week not accounted for. Anyway, that's a little background to my Wednesday night Bible study story. Also, background is my new feeling about church. To praise God and be surrounded with His church is like a much needed once-a-week tranfusion.

Anyhoo- Wednesday I had an appointment to talk with the pastor and his wife after the Bible lesson. Before things got underway, the assistant pastor, Randy approached me and said that pastor's son was ill and he would be going right home after service since his wife had stayed with the boy. However, Randy and his wife were prepared to keep pastor's appointment with me to best serve my needs. The evening opened with a trio of fellas from the church singing, playing guitar, and drums. Pastor taught on the beautiful and famous Psalm 23. But throughout the evening, I figdgetted and kept having to drag my thoughts back to the here and now. Mostly, I could feel anger welling up inside and strange questions, feelings of doubt. What was the real reason pastor wasn't going to have time for me? Was he passing my problems off as unimportant? This assistant pastor didn't have the background I'd laid for the pastor about my recent experiences and feelings. Why was I wasting my time with people who really didn't want to help me? I wasn't truly welcomed in this group, anyway. I needed to go somewhere else. In fact, I should leave now and not sit through this so-called lesson. These negative feelings increased until I could hardly sit still in my seat.

It was then that it hit me - like the cartoon of an angel sitting on one shoulder and a devil on the other. Praise God! Apparently I had made enough progress in my spiritual walk that I suddenly could see that I was being tempted. Here was yet another cartoon - the light bulb of recognition going off over my head. I recognized, even as the strange thoughts raged that there was a core of peace, calmness as I continued to sit still despite the whirlwind of thoughts inside. The outcome - I spoke to Randy and his wife. They were warm and genuine people and spoke exactly what I needed to hear. Later, I drove home with a smile and the knowledge of the many blessings I'd received on a regular old Wednesday. A good sermon on Psalm 23 - pretty cool. Making new friends of Randy and his wife - not to be missed. A first small spiritual victory under my belt - never to be forgotten. Trusting that 'still, small voice' 1 Kings 19:12 - Priceless!

His blessings to all-


Saturday, June 25, 2005


Photo: Beautiful Bug, a "fetching kitty".

Praise God for a love so incomprehensibly huge! When I think I’m a pretty good person – Lord, thank You for showing me what I really am. When I think I am following in your footsteps, thank You for showing me how far from Your path I am truly wandering. Magnificent Father, thank You for allowing me the gift of bowing at Your feet. The beginning of wisdom for me was trying to understand the vastness of Your love for us. I try to move forward having only just admitted that the human mind will not really ever grasp it. Now, however unworthy, You are showing me sin. Like soot settling after a fire, it is everywhere! The closer I try to get to You the more I can see it in myself. And I am helpless to escape it! It is in my very nature. Mel Gibson said that the only time he actually appeared in his film, The Passion of the Christ, was at the crucifixion scene. His own hand is the one shown holding the nail that gets driven into Jesus’ hand. Symbolically, Mel admits to being the sinner who causes Christ to die. But in reality it wasn't him. It was me. Oh, and it was you. We're all to blame. And we're all to profit because WE ARE FORGIVEN!!!

Like the dad who keeps 'lending' money to his errant son. Does he expect to get repaid? Who knows? But if that kid's been touched by his Father's love - even if he can never repay, he may just turn and say "I don't deserve to be treated so kindly by you. But you did it just because I am your son. Thank you." Smile, Dad. It's not easy to raise a kid right. Thanks, Dad for showing myself to me.

Love to all,


Thursday, June 09, 2005


Our Lord once told a story about a man who found a treasure hidden in a field. The man hid it again then ran to sell all his possessions so that he could buy the field and have both the field and the treasure for his own. This is a parable found in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 13 verse 44. So simple and self-explanatory, right? Why did it puzzle me? Why did it seem to be in opposition to Mark 4:21, "Do you bring in a lamp to put it under a bowl or a bed? Instead, don't you put it on its stand?"

The puzzlement came for me because of the preface to the treasure story. Jesus said "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field." If we have received a light aren't we to share it in joy? Why did the man hide the treasure again? When we 'discover' the treasure that is the kingdom of heaven aren't we to share it with the world like the light on a stand? In examining this I have discovered that my question reveals my own simplicity. Rather, the kingdom of heaven is like our relationship to our Lord. For each of us it is unique and highly personal. It is truly the greatest treasure we can acquire. The kingdom of heaven - countless fields of wonder, each with individualized treasures for every single one of us, His beloved, undeserving children. Someday, the unutterable joy and peace of your most perfect Christmas morning memories will be our everlasting existence! The unlimited power which spoke all creation into being has planned a treasure specifically to bring me joy. That's real treasure. I smile just contemplating it. My smile is like a lantern lighting my entire being. The joy of being loved and loving Him can't be hidden. Like the best Christmas morning ever - like sated kids comparing presents, stuffed with turkey and stocking loads of candy and basking in the safety of loving family nearby. Oh, hey Brother, you got one, too? Excellent! Thank You, Father God.

Bless me Lord as I babble on. =)


Saturday, June 04, 2005

Shar & Will's Anniversary cake - May 7, 2005 Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 29, 2005

His Will - My Divorce

I'm anticipating a discussion soon with my pastor. He spoke last week on the work of the Holy Spirit. The topic - How do we know when He is acting in our lives? Pastor asked me today to drop him that e-mail I promised and tell him how God has been acting in my life. I said "He's been going through it with a bulldozer." It has certainly been an adventure, following God's will. His ways are not our ways - man, they sure aren't. But bulldozers clear away. They remove mountains of junk and prepare a place for new construction. Praise God for considering this site worthy of re-development.

My divorce was final this week. Now I suppose I am free to concentrate on getting closer to Him. It's with a sigh that I begin this new phase of life. Grateful that I'm still here after all that's happened to me but wishing this 2nd marriage - the real one, I thought, had worked out. That happy-ever-after ending sure is elusive. But I will trust in God to make it all right. If I can't trust in love, or a spouse or a dream then I know despite it all that I can trust in Jesus Christ.
"Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him" Job 13:15
It's been hard to trust and believe the unbelievable - that He wanted me to walk away from my marriage. Still, we believe that He was born of a virgin, brought the dead back to life and many other miracles. Divorce is an un-miracle, the death of the miracle of finding love in this cold world. But this is God's world. My Savior brings life out of death. Does it every springtime. I'm waiting on You, Lord. Heal this heart.

God bless.


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

My Buddy Pete

You've got to love Peter, Simon Peter, the fisherman guy. Ordinary guy, ordinary job. I like to think I'm a lot like him. He was the first disciple called by Christ. Right hand man to God, you might say. Impulsive, shoot from the hip. Putting his big foot in his mouth over and over. Just like me. When Jesus announced he was going to suffer and die Peter jumped in "Oh no way I'll let that happen, Lord!" Whoa Man, why didn't somebody tell you to settle down? Maybe once in a while it wouldn't kill you to wait and listen for an explanation. Jesus said He would wash the disciples' feet and Peter flipped "I'd never allow you to wash MY feet, Lord!" Jesus said the disciples would disown Him and Peter yelled "Never! If I have to die with you I'll never disown you!" Peter - yeah, I'm just like you, buddy. Big hero when there's no heat on. Thank You Lord for choosing Peter. Because since You did then there's hope for me. Thank You for looking into my heart and seeing what I want to do, not what I actually end up doing. Thank You for knowing how much I need You.

You take me to the garden with You and what do I do? Fall asleep. Then when the crisis comes I'm jumping to my feet sputtering "I'm here - been here all along, Lord!" Whipping out my sword. Ready to attack first and ask questions later. Jesus, I'm not afraid to be first like Peter and weep when I see my mistakes, and beg you to wash my hands and head not just my feet. Just let me come to the place where he got to in the end. "Look at us", he told the lame man at the Beautiful Gate. "I don't have any money, but what I have I'm giving to you. In the name of Jesus Christ, get up and walk." Acts 3:1-6 Do everything bigger, Peter. Big mouth, big attitude - thank You Lord for including a guy like Peter in Your perfect plan. Thank You for showing me his story. In the end, Lord let me say You used me for something, too. Like him, let me be a conduit for Your grace. Doesn't even have to be something big. Turning wild hearts to Your will - like Peter's, like mine - now that's big.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Like Fruit?

Sunday- I had the privilege of attending church this morning. Ah, America! Any church I wanted. At one point the pastor said and I'll quote him since I wrote it down word for word, "Christian, you cannot speak the word of God if you neglect the word of God." Of course that means to read the Bible daily but I was struck by the "word". The word "word" appears 4 times in those 2 sentences. It's important. Words are the basis for civilization, abstract thought, nearly all communication. The most amazing usage of the term "word" is the 1st sentence of the Gospel of John.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

Check it out - the Word WAS God. This was once explained to me that God spoke all matter into being. I'm not sure if that's all there is to that thought but it's interesting. I guess words are more important than I had first considered. Because I work in a corporate culture I have taken part in what is known as Meyers Briggs testing. Basically, it is a test that determines your work and relational style - returning a 4 letter code so that others who are familiar with the test and code know how to interact with you, or rather with your type of personality. My profile usually comes up "ENFJ", a people person whose descriptive catch phrase is "smooth talking persuader". I'm the one who gets everyone on the bus to start singing 99 bottles of beer on the wall.

Proverbs 18:21 says, Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Words are powerful. The words we speak in anger, the words that someone waits to hear that never come. How many times have I said things I wish I could take back? Psalm 39 says I will guard my ways lest I sin with my tongue; I will restrain my mouth with a muzzle.

So for an ENFJ, to not speak is a daunting task. Please, if I can't keep my mouth shut, let the right things come out of it. I want to lift my voice in praise. I want to use my words to uplift, encourage, and if possible, instruct, to help my brothers and sisters along their path. The gospel says that a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. I think that the analogy of bearing fruit is particularly beautiful. I've seen old trees with dry grey bark and most of its branches dead and bare, still sending up one green shoot heavy with apples or pears. Lord, let my tongue say things pleasing to You, words that bring life and encouragement. Let me be that tree still sending branches toward Your glory and offering up good fruit. That's the extent of the words I've got to say tonight.

God bless.


Saturday, May 21, 2005

Homeless, On the Beach

Saturday, I had the pleasure of a friend's company for breakfast. Afterwards, driving back from Denny's - I saw a homeless man. You've seen him too every now and again. He had the prerequisite sign "Homeless. Please help. God bless." I wasn't in the correct lane to make a response - or was that the excuse I used today?

"But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?" 1 John 3:17

To my credit, I have gone around the block in the past, come back around and done what was in my heart. I've had to ignore all the rationalizations in my head but it sure felt right afterwards. The voice of God, I've found is truly the still, small voice, (1 Kings 19:11&12) a subtle suggestion reaffirming the morals. This voice speaks to the heart, not the ears. Those who know me have heard this before but it is hard to contemplate God's love. I once tried to figure out just how He could love each and every one of us. Some of us are just bad and totally unloveable. Also, He sure doesn't seem to love some people, the impoverished for example. In His indefinable wisdom He enlightened me. In my indefinable simplicity I can't even imagine why He bothered.

I was shown that each of us; rich, poor, or just indefinably simple, was once a pure, tender infant. He loves every one. Why then does it seem He has treated the poor badly? Again, just a little thought and study reveals - when He came to earth in the form of Our Savior, He was born into a family that would be considered today, the working poor. Later in His ministry Christ even went so far as to point that out, that He had no house of His own, no place to lay His head. He said also that it was hard for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom, a comment that seems to favor the poor. And condemn me. Am I rich? Hell, no. Compared to the guy with the sign? Hmmn.

So where does that leave me? On the beach, that's where. I've found my journey toward spiritual maturity is like the beach, or more specific, like flotsam on the tide. I have come a long, long way from out in the middle of the ocean of worldly living. I make a little progress (like once in a while driving back to help the homeless) then I wash back. Still, I pray that I am heading inevitably toward the shore. John 21 tells the story of how the disciples came in from a bad night of fishing off the Sea of Tiberias. Jesus was waiting for them, even cooking their breakfast. That's the kind of God I'm signing up for. He knows what you've been through all that long, fruitless night. But just when you're the most tired and depressed, ready to give up and go home to drop, there He is waiting, and with a hot meal, no less!

His Grace to all,


Friday, May 20, 2005

Stepping toward Him

Brothers and Sisters-

This Journey has brought me to this moment. It is my purpose here to share some of my Journey with you. I believe the Lord is preparing me for some purpose that He has in mind. It has been a long lesson, mostly because I have been an uncooperative student, a slow slow learner. I have, like the proverbial sheep, gone my own way. That particular headstrong willingness to walk off cliffs while insisting that I am right has led to many wounds. Yet, Christ, ever faithful has healed them all. Will I ever learn? Possibly. Will I ultimately do His bidding? Matthew 21:28-30. Yeah, I will. But He knows how I am. Maybe I didn't trust.

People will disappoint you. Infrequently, they will surprise you by not disappointing you. Through it all there is one, and only one who can be counted on always. He's always waiting, always faithful. Why did He hang around waiting for me to turn my attention back to Him - so many times? If Jesus wasn't God I would accuse Him of being divine on the basis of His faithfulness, alone. It's unreal, bigger than what a mortal is capable of. In my first marriage I was unfaithful. In my second marriage though I was physically faithful, my mind and heart wandered, wishing for more fulfillment, wishing even that my partner would magically transform into the unspoiled and hopeful person I stood beside at our wedding. Instead, my spouse remained changed, and ultimately, too distant for me to tolerate. To say we went in different directions would be understated.

Where am I heading now? What does He want me to do? How gracious He is. How wonderful to think He still has a purpose for jaded losers like me. I'll just keep walking forward. I'll try trusting Him this time. I'll walk toward the light on this journey. After all, He's the most interesting person in this or any other world. I have been disappointed in so many things in this life. I'm willing to try it Your way now, Lord. Show me Your mercy.